Fans, on the other hand, near-unanimously consider this the worst game in the series by no small margin, no thanks to the unorthodox control scheme, poorly aged visuals, the retcon dump, and Monkey Kombat.

But conversely a lot of people grew up with this (and possibly Curse) as the only Monkey Island games they knew and so recall it fondly.

Older fans treats this game with disdain due to the dated graphics, awkward controls, retcons and frequent bugs (in the PC version at least). Broken Base: This game is the least popular installment in the series, but opinions vary about whether it is still a decent game or not.Aluminum Christmas Trees: You might think Pegnose Pete is just a gag on peg-legged pirates, but prosthetic noses are a real thing, and have been for centuries for example, 16th century nobleman and astronomy pioneer Tycho Brahe lost his nose in a duel and wore a prosthetic made of brass.